You know how people ask for advice but don’t take it?
I get that all the time.
Last week, a prospective client rang me to book 1 guard for a party of 270 teens – with just 4 adult helpers.
As you may imagine, my initial response was, ‘Are you crazy?’
I then told him that, to have any control over the situation, he’d need 5 security staff plus 1 sober adult helper for every 20 guests.
He said he’d call back.
As expected, he didn’t.
But he at least did one good thing – by registering the party with police.
Fight night
Saturday rolled around.
I was on duty at another party for 160 teens. We got some gatecrashers, but easily brushed them off, and the event concluded smoothly.
Speaking to the happy host, I mentioned the ‘1 vs 270’ party.
She looked at me and said, ‘Is he crazy?’
I replied that I was sure the event would end in tears and that we’d all hear about it.
Fast forward to the video and … no surprises at all.
Suffice to say that when a host skimps on security, the rest of society pays.
Pay to play
When taking a party booking, venues need to ask more questions – or consult someone who knows the security risks of modern parties.
The venues I work with don’t get trashed.
They pay a bit more for security – but save countless thousands on keeping guests safe and not having to glue their venue back together on Sunday.
Their wise investment repays itself many times.
If your child is invited to a party, ask what the security plan is.
If there’s no plan, do yourself and your child a great big favour and give the party a miss.
If you’re planning a party, ask the parents of guests to help out.
If they’re not keen, tell them to keep their kid at home.
Because if their kid is hurt at the party (or while heading home) these parents will be the first to scream blue murder – and possibly go you.
Parenting 101
As a parent, there’s no way I’d leave my daughter (let alone 270 kids) unprotected from the frightening viciousness of today’s gatecrashers.
I’ve long campaigned for party permits.
They’re the best way I know to ensure our:
- Community is safe.
- Police and other emergency services personnel aren’t used as punching bags.
Watch it here:
Naomi Oakley, Founder,