Alcohol Is The Path To Destruction-Why Is This Message Being Lost?
This news article is extremely disturbing and concerning. Read more
Why is it that we are not dealing with the elephant in the room?
From my experience, working on the front line of teenage parties, alcohol related violence is the reason why 90% of these parties get shut down. It is not ICE??
Why are most of our taxes being directed to Tobacco and Ice (Drug) related issues rather then alcohol?
Why when I pick up the newspaper, watch TV and listen to the radio (often hosting breakfast programs at wineries), alcohol is shoved down my throat !!. Often with discounts or being part of a prize !
Alcohol is causing more havoc in our community then any legal or illegal drug. Is it because alcohol is more social acceptable?
Majority of Australian adults consume alcohol most nights of the week.
I was brought up with parents that own a vineyard and it was an acceptable practice to drink alcohol every night of the week. I worked in the Police Force and it was more acceptable to drink alcohol, then not. Often it was a way of debriefing with your peers. It was too hard/not acceptable to go home to your family and discuss some of the horrific things that were dealt with the night before.
Thankfully I decided to opt for another career path as I believed it was not a healthy environment. It was becoming a regular pattern!!
Now, I choose not to drink alcohol in front of my children. No I am not Mother Teresa, but it is what I can do to STOP alcohol becoming an acceptable way of life.
Please don’t get me started on ‘but it is healthy to have 2/3 drinks a night’, Usually this is the comment from people that need/like to drink alcohol regularly – not if this research is correct: Read more
Government Agencies Need To Wake Up !!!