ENERGY DRINKS-Enough To Pop a Valve

Energy drinks: In addition to managing alcohol at private parties we also apply the same management system to energy drinks.  When energy drinks hit the party scene we observed the behaviour of young adults within the party environment at a number of parties.  After observing at least 30 teen parties where energy drinks were brought…

Party Security Melbourne

Gatecrashers- Get Another Hobby

        Without a plan, adequate parents and security this party might have had a different ending ! This party was extremely stressful a few weeks ago.  Teenagers trying to crash the event, jumping on roofs of houses, getting into neighbouring properties, trying to intimidate parents and security.  At the end of the…

Another Balcony Death

Teenagers Alcohol and Balconies do not go together.  This includes schoolies!  Parties and celebrations within the home can also be a disaster waiting to happen.  Whilst conducting pre party assessments we highlight the risks of balconies within a teen party environment.  In addition to the risks of young people sky larking (Hanging off the edges,…