Safe Party Line

Your teen party questions answered. For free! I’ve written plenty of blog posts about parties gone wrong. Today I have some good news! Last month I founded Safe Partying Australia: a not-for-profit organisation dedicated to keeping our kids safe by implementing my Safe Event Laws Proposal. Today I’m launching a national online support service for…

Why Crowd Control Works at Parties

Saturday night’s party showed why crowd control is a delicate and volatile yet necessary affair.  At 9.30 pm I spotted four males sitting on a fence, six houses up from my client’s. All were drinking and using their mobile phones.  In my experience, when people hang round like this, it’s time to disperse and move…

Picture This!

Any gatecrashers who try to wreck the next party I protect are in for a nasty shock. Thanks to Launch Helmut Cams, I’ll be wearing a state-of-the-art camera that thugs won’t spot till it’s too late. I’ll use this camera for personal protection, and to show our community what my staff and I endure every…

Gang Show

Last week I ran a security crew at a family home in a nice suburb. It was a 14th birthday party with no alcohol. At 10.30 pm, 20 gatecrashers (aged 15-18) turned up and tried scaling the fences to get in. My staff chased, stopped and removed them – whereupon they fled down a side…

Kids Rule?!

I was asked to look after an 18th birthday in an Eastern suburb. BYO alcohol and 140 guests. As I always do before assigning staff to an event, I met the parents several days beforehand. I inspected the property and noted some issues: Open pool in the party area. Neighbouring properties close by. Small backyard…

Out on a Limb

The Deadly Dangers of Balconies Crash! Last night in Sydney, a balcony packed with people collapsed at a teen party. Around 20 guests fell more than two metres – many sustaining injuries. Two ambulance helicopters and several road ambulances ferried them to hospital. We could have prevented it all. Prevention When my company conducts a…

Explosive Hits – Hard Facts about Energy Drinks

Frightening Trend If you have kids or run a venue, there are things you must know about energy drinks. When teens drink large quantities of energy drinks at a party, they become extremely violent in the aftermath. I’ve seen them smash property and assault people as a result of overdosing on this freely available ‘refreshment’.…