Another Bloody Tragedy

Yet another poor teenage girl dead at a party. Yet more Police officers injured at another. So many of these event-based tragedies could be easily prevented. So when will it end? It’ll end when Parents take charge. Parents who care for their kids will read this post. Parents: You are in control, not teenagers. You…

The Enemy Within

I read in Sunday’s paper about a man who held a party for his 17-year-old daughter. This father assaulted a female guest and digitally raped another while she slept. He has now been convicted Parents must be extremely careful with regard to adults who assist at parties (as well as their roles on the day).…

Cringe Festival

I work a lot of teenage parties. And it makes me cringe to see so many parents absenting themselves from their child’s event. They put on a party for their kid, then decide to have their own party with other parents. As a result, intoxicated adults can be more of an issue than intoxicated teens!…

Death of the Party

Another Tragedy This week I read with utter dismay that yet another teenager had lost her life at a party which didn’t have adequate security measures. Two men also became violently ill on what’s thought to be gamma hydroxybutyrate (GHB). This so-called ‘recreational’ drug has an appropriate nickname of Grievous Bodily Harm. Escalating Problem Recreational drugs…


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Tragic Loss Prevention

On hearing of last weekend’s horrific car crash, I was as shocked as the rest of our community. I did some checking and learned the kids were coming home from a private party, close to the crash scene. Also confirmed was the information I dreaded: these kids were fleeing gate crashers who’d arrived at the…

Hard Day’s Night

The party we covered last night was hard work. First we had to remove four invited guests who’d assaulted someone inside. These guys had been drinking before entering the house. As we took them out, they threatened us. One said he had a knife; another mentioned a syringe. All four had their hands in their…