Who is calling the shots?

I understand that bar staff are under pressure to serve as much alcohol as possible to boost the profits for the venue however safety must comes first. In all situations duty of care overrides profits. I have talked about this recently.  Experienced bar staff will make or break your venue. Another tragic death that may…

This App Is Asking For Trouble

In addition to assisting with the epidemic of STI’s amongst young people this app will create chaos within our community. When Charles Stewart has teenagers of his own attending parties then maybe he will understand the words ‘being responsible’. I have an idea, members of our community should start sending Mr Stewart the bill for…

Every Parent Should Be Conerned

More proof that this issue is on the increase.  Some of our young people are treating Synthetic Drugs like a new lollie.  It is lethal ! Article below: IT is impossible for legislation to keep up with the explosion of new recreational drugs, an expert says. Speaking at the Australian Drugs Conference 2014, Dr David…