Private Security Industry needs clean out
This news article is just the tip of the iceberg. The industry needs more funding to ensure the Police have the resources required to investigate and weed out the crooks! Read more
This news article is just the tip of the iceberg. The industry needs more funding to ensure the Police have the resources required to investigate and weed out the crooks! Read more
A simple plan can save a life. Dear Party Hosts, When planning a party please ensure the following plans are put in place to ensure ALL guests are safe and they arrive home safely: Provide RSA at all BYO/Supply events. Hire a barman to serve alcohol RESPONSIBLY. If the event is BYO ensure it is…
Yesterday I spoke with a sound engineer that works at a number of underage events. We spoke about the issues of synthetic drugs amongst our young people. We both agreed that our young people seem to think that it is ok to use synthetic drugs because they can’t get charged with anything. They seem to…
Every parents worst nightmare ! I wish our kids could see and understand what can happen when walking home alone at night. This is tragic BUT a sad reality that predators in our community do exist I wish our young people could get it !! I see teenagers walking home alone from parties frequently. We…
This article mentions booze and street drugs however you can bet that Synthetic Drugs would be readily available during schoolies. I have already witnessed an increase on the teen party scene. I have mentioned this before but our young people are gravitating to Synthetic drugs because they can’t be detected, we have no legislation in…
I was informed yesterday that a venue in Beaumaris had some issues with an out of control party last weekend. It turns out the the venue was hired under a different name and was not used for the event indicated. To avoid this situation that seems to happen regularly, the venue manager must ask more…
I have parents contacting me wanting advice on how to manage their teens party. One of the areas of discussion is alcohol management. Some parents think that because their kids are 18 it is important that they are treated like a responsible adult. This is my point, at 18 years of age most kids are…
As a mother of a 20 year old and working with young people every weekend, I have come to the conclusion that our teenagers just don’t get it !! When are they going to understand that this will kill you !! Mots of them seem to be experimenting with these chemicals when they have had…
This is very sad !! Part of a party plan is advising hosts of transport options. Walking home with a mate on a well lit street use to be an option. It would seem like these days you can no longer walk home without trouble Thoughts are with Brock and his family The start of…
2 teenage parties last night have come to the attention of the media for all the wrong reasons. We are only half way through the weekend and are just coming into the silly season. To all the parents that are organising a party for your child please make sure you have a plan. At the…