The Damage Alcohol Can Cause

  In the last few months I have seen many commercials on the following: how smoking can damage our health, how eating too much sugar can increase our chances of diabetes, how gambling can cause depression and ruin our lives, how ICE can kill….yet I am still waiting for commercials to identify the damage alcohol causes to…

Alcohol Management Service for Parties

In-house Booze Management Plan Now Supported by Victorian Taxi Association and Ambulance Employees Australia

  Trying to prevent this sort of damage !! In-house Booze Management Plan Now Supported by Victorian Taxi Association and Ambulance Employees Australia Most teenage parties spiral out of control as a result of poor alcohol management skills.  Alcohol related violence contributes to 90 % of party related trauma.  Parents need to realise that a…


    I am sadly noticing an increase in UBER drivers at teenage parties.  Most of the UBER drivers are booked via their parents. As a mother of a teenager, I would not allow my child to be transported via an UBER driver. It just gives me a sick feeling.  I am trusting a person…