I am sadly noticing an increase in UBER drivers at teenage parties. Most of the UBER drivers are booked via their parents.
As a mother of a teenager, I would not allow my child to be transported via an UBER driver. It just gives me a sick feeling. I am trusting a person whom I have never met, that does not have adequate commercial vehicle insurance, who has not had an adequate background check, or adequate training, and who has not had any type of screening to collect my teenager, in their private vehicle and hope that they arrive home in one piece???!
These drivers then gain your child’s contact details and in some cases now know where you live !!
Do we really know if they are who they say they are?? Do we really know if they have any sort of Police history? Or have they been to smart and not come under the Police radar!!
Last Saturday night was no exception, at least half of the transport was an UBER driver, Thankfully I managed to talk one young girl out of getting taken home by an UBER driver. She had a couple of drinks and was a little unsteady on her feet. She was on her own. I asked her if she realised that UBER drivers did not have the same compulsory accreditation as taxis. She was not aware of this and then decided to cancel the driver and book a cab via the regulated cab APP. When the taxi arrived she thanked me. I was extremely relieved that she did this.
I have compared prices with UBER and regulated taxis, It is minimal savings.
I will continue to persuade our young people to catch a more regulated form of transport
As a mother, I would gladly spend more to know that my child is in safe hands.