Over the last 12 months, U-nome Security has had a surge in 15-16 year old parties. We have had more security bookings for this age group then any other and we have had the most issues. Over the last few months I have observed some near tragic incidents involving our kids.
Young people are going out to celebrate without a plan, making the wrong choices about what party to attend, making rash decisions whilst under the influence of alcohol or drugs, and not even considering how they are getting home. Often I see our young people, attempting to walk home in the middle of the night via the darkest remote route, making poor choices in regards to motor vehicles transport often with drivers (friends) that are substance affected
As a result of this, I have put together a national education resource called A Night Wasted. I have had some great input via teachers, health professionals and young people. Please view the website and check out Ryan’s story. The information I am relaying to our teenagers is relevant and practical. I am hoping it will prevent our kids being injured and will ensure they have a plan before they go out.
Please share this information with as many people as you can