Safe Party Education

As a part of its on going safe party education programme U-nome Security proudly presents…

A Night Wasted

A Night Wasted incorporates the best practice qualities outlined in Drug and Alcohol Education, Student Health and Wellbeing.  It is directed at both students and parents.

What does effective alcohol and drug education look like?

A Night Wasted will deliver presentations nationally.  It covers a range of topics that our young people currently deal with when going out to celebrate a night out.

Our presentation provides the school community with practical information to ensure our young people are celebrating safely.  

Safe Party Education

Who can benefit from Safe Party Education

The program targets the following community groups to ensure that we are providing a holistic approach in awareness and education. 

This includes:

  • Students (Year 9 and above)
  • Teachers
  • Parents

The Year 9 focus has been as a result of anecdotal data received via U-nome Security that highlights the increased focus on party celebration within this age group.  In fact, this age group are having more celebrations then any other age group.  Feedback has also been gained via teachers and young people at these events. On a busy weekend I would provide assistance to 1000 teenagers.

A night wasted

This current news article also illustrate the risks our young people take when celebrating a night out:

Police officer ‘king hit’ by teen after Melbourne beach party

As a mother of teenagers and a security expert working on the front line of youth celebrations I see young people and parents making poor choices continually.  Unfortunately people are then put at risk.

The solution is providing our community with  a practical survival plan to ensure safety is the key focus when we celebrate.  All education programs are supported with current relevant stories from the coalface and topical news articles. 

Three programs are offered under the Night Wasted umbrella

1. Students

Presented to the students as a guide on how to celebrate safely.  It is both a formal presentation with assistance of PowerPoint.  (not “death by PowerPoint’) with some video clips from the coal face.

2. Parents

This is for parents and is a guide on how to celebrate safely.  It is both a formal presentation with assistance of PowerPoint  (not “death by PowerPoint’) with some video clips from the coal face. There is plenty of time for questions – the focus on this presentation is practical planning 

3. Industry Specialist

Involves additional support from a relevant industry specialist to assist with driving the message of safety home. This Industry Specialist is a Paramedic.  Emily provides real insight into responding to many different situations that involve young people.

Additional Information

Teacher presentations can also be tailored to suit the audience and the time available.

Sessions can be delivered during ‘pupil-free days’ and last for a number of hours, or be fitted into a staff meeting time-slot.*

Please note – Parent information sessions cover a range of issues including:

  • Getting involved in your kids social activities
  • Where are your kids having their overnight sleepovers,
  • Practical party planning highlighting Duty of Care
  • And the Secondary Supply Legislation

To assist with the seminars we have provided some information that may assist you in the promotion of the event.

Click on this link for Ryans Story.

Feedback from some of the students

Students where asked
Did the presentation help you to understand the risks when going out

Feedback from the community group will also be gained at the end of each session to ensure that our message of safety has been delivered successfully

Feedback from teachers from previous seminars:

This is a belated thank you for helping make Parkwood Party Safe day a success. The students were really engaged in your presentation. I wish you well for your future business (presenting to schools) and will ask you to present in the next 2 years when I hold another Party Safe day.  Ann Parkwood School Coordinator

We surveyed 70 students out of 100 students from Donvale Christian College-. Presentation was conducted with assistance from a fantastic paramedic, Olga. All of the students indicated that they enjoyed the seminar: 

  • Yes a lot, The presentation was really well presented an it made me think about the risks when going out
  • The presentation was straight to the point which is good.
  • The presentation was very informative.
  • The seminar was very informative.
  • The presentation was very useful. It definitely made me understand the risks when going out.
  • The presentation helped me understand things that can help on a night out.
  • The presentation was very interesting.
  • I found the presentation interesting and helpful.
  •  The presentation was super relevant and engaged everyone.

Safe Party Education

How To Party Safely & Responsibly

For more Information and videos head to our YouTube Channel