Party Security Service

20+ Years Experience

We are Melbourne's most trusted party security service

Over 2000 Parties

People and Industry choose us because we specialise in Party Security

Alcohol Management

An Alcohol Management Plan is essential to the success of any Party

Crowd Control

Close supervision of personnel movement in and out of the venue is maintained

Action Plan

We work you to develop an action plan to ensure the safe management of your party

Venue Safety Checks

All public and private venues undergo a comprehensive safety check

Community Event Security Service

Including Umpire Escorts, Weddings and Funerals

Community Events

Examples of community events we provide our services to include:

Weddings and Funerals

Unfortunately some special events such as weddings and funerals can attract disruptive ex-partners or uninvited disgruntled friends or members of the family.

Engaging inconspicuous and professional security personnel that blend into these sensitive events will provide you with peace of mind that any disruption will be managed delicately and effectively.

Domestic Violence Assistance

Prepare yourself this party season - young people at a music festival drinking beer.
security services

School Education – Safe Parties

U-Nome Security conducts education sessions at schools targeting students, their parents and teachers. These sessions highlight the risks associated with running a party. An unplanned party presents a number of hazards that are often overlooked, until an incident happens, which is then a problem that could have been avoided.”

Naomi will present case examples highlighting what went wrong, and what controls are needed to mitigate the risks and potential harm. Unfortunately, there are too many examples of poorly planned and executed parties have led to tragedies impacting young people.

Here's what you'll learn

Check out our YouTube party relevant reports, interviews & news reports.