Youths Go On Party Rampage (AGAIN!)
Cars were damaged and train services disrupted when up to 200 youths spilled from an out-of-control party in Hazelmere last night.
Police arrived at a house on Bushmead Road at about 10pm after receiving numerous complaints about anti-social behaviour and blaring music.
Extra officers were called to shut down the party after fights broke out between groups of youths in the crowd.
Police say eight cars had windscreens smashed as youths leaving the event jumped on vehicles parked on Chatham and Amhurst roads.
Midland trains were stopped after several youths jumped onto tracks at Woodbridge station.
An 18-year-old boy was charged with trespassing on a railway and will be summonsed to appear in court at a later date.
A 17-year-old Midvale boy was charged with causing criminal damage, disorderly behaviour and trespass.
He is due to appear in Midland Children’s Court at a later date.