Letters of the law
We know it’s illegal for kids under 18 to buy booze or drink in pubs.
But what about private parties?
Giving alcohol to a child is called secondary supply.
The law is complex, and it varies from state to state.
Though my safe partying business is based in Victoria, I’m often contacted by parents from across Australia trying to work out how to stay on the right side of the law.
They’re not just being good parents. They’re also very sensibly seeking to avoid fines and even jail time for doing the wrong thing.
You see, the penalties for secondary supply are the same as for a licensee found selling alcohol to a minor. It’s a very big deal.
Basically, the responsible grown-ups who call me want a legal, formal secondary supply consent letter for use at teen parties and managed BYO events that involve alcohol.
And that’s exactly what I can give them.
And you.
Over the years, I’ve developed a suite of legally approved consent letters which are available on my website – along with my Safe Parties E-book.
You can download these items and have peace of mind that you’ve covered all bases and are applying duty of care for everyone involved at your next underage event.
To learn more about secondary supply – and how to keep you, your loved ones and their guests out of trouble and away from harm – click here.
Apart from the safety and responsibility issues, people are getting more litigious these days.
And that’s another whole world of pain and expense.
So a quick visit to my site could be the smartest thing you do today.